MLT Black Equity at Work
DMI Design Value Awards Winner
The need is clear. The time is now.

MLT Black Equity at Work, the world’s first Certification program of its kind is providing a clear standard and an action-oriented roadmap to achieving Black Equity.

Within 12 months MLT Black Equity at Work has secured more than 70 of the most important organizations in the world as customers, including Amazon, BCG, PNC, DaVita, NBA and others.
Hero image with screen mock ups
Black equity in every workplace and in the communities they serve
MLT (Management Leadership for Tomorrow)
Senior Experience Designer
Overall UX/UI design, prototype, user research/testing
The pandemic and racial reckoning in the US have emphasized the critical importance of racial equity in America, especially regarding the negative impact experienced by Black Americans. These inequities widespread various aspect of our society, including major employers.

The MLT Black Equity at Work Certification sets a measurable standard for workplace Black equity, allowing employers to demonstrate commitment through strategic and sustained action for tangible progress.
As a senior experience designer on this project, I contributed to the overall UX/UI design from the MVP Blueprint phase to the Beta phase, working on wireframing, prototyping, and conducting usability testing with target users.
MLT Black Equity at Work won 1st place in DMI: Design Value Award in 2021.
1.5M+ employees
within partner companies will be impacted in the US
70+ companies
participating partners (as of 2024 Jan)
Over 40 major employers, representing nearly every major sector, have committed to pursuing the MLT Black Equity at Work Certification since the program launched in January 2021. Our committed employers represent a range of industries and some of America's top corporations, including Fortune 500 companies and leading philanthropies.
BCG logo
BlackRock logo
Citi logo
Amazon logo
and more...
"Joining the MLT Black Equity at Work Initiative is a meaningful way to solidify our commitment to ensuring an equitable & inclusive work environment for our employees, talent & partners, now & in the future"
- SVP Enterprise Inclusion, Warner Media
Link to website
Project Structure
Project Timeline
project roadmap: focus on alpha and beta
Team Structure for incubation
team structure
I played a key role as a senior designer from the beginning of the project during the Alpha build phase through to its Beta launch.
There are numerous articles and statistics that provide evidence of racial inequity in the workplace.
Black men earn less on the dollar than male workers of other races
Black employees are nearly twice as likely as other minorities to perceive their race will make it harder for them to achieve their goals.
Even within the industries with many Black workers, Black workers make less than $30,000 more often than their peers do
There are four Black CEOs in Fortune 500 companies.
Source: PayScale, McKinsey & Company
5 %
of senior executives at self-reporting Fortune 500 companies are Black, Latinx, or Native Americans
33 %
of the U.S. population is Black, Latinx, or Native
20 %
In 2020, the typical full-time Black worker earned about 20 percent less than a typical full-time white worker
58 %
of Black people indicated they perceived racism in their jobs.
User Research
During the project's duration, our team scheduled biweekly meetings with HR managers from world's leading corporations. Our main goals for these sessions were: to gain insights into the problem at hand and to assess the usability of our prototype.

Each meeting began with a comprehensive 20 minute exploration of desirability, followed by a focused 40-minute examination of the detailed user experience.
Screenshot of research board
Screenshot of research board
Screenshot of research board
"We have lots of energy now on DEI initiatives, but how do I make sure that it's sustained?"
- Anonymous HR Manager
User Persona and Pain Points
Our target users seemed very excited for engaging in this endeavor with good intentions. However, they also expressed a desire for some form of public recognition. Moreover, evaluating racial equity within an organization is not a one person job; it requires collaboration with multiple users and access to additional resources.
Our target persona is seeking:
• Public Recognition
• Multi User Functionality
• Access to Resources & Benchmarks
Screen mockup
The MLT Black Equity at Work Certification offers a structured roadmap, empowering employers to pursue Black equity with the same level of dedication and results-oriented approach as they do with their financial goals and other key priorities. Key features include:
• Industry benchmark for assessing Black equity
• Current status evaluation
• Action oriented goals and strategies
• Dedicated Employer Success Manager
• Annual review report
• Digital certification
Process diagram
How Does It Work In Digital Platform
01. Initiate
Clients initiates the program. They will be assigned to an Employer Success Manager (ESM)
02. Input Data
Clients input their data into a baseline input form to assess their current situation
03. Assess
ESM reviews the data. Clients will receive score breakdowns and insights on their current state
04. Plan
Clients review scoring rubric and  draft their plans including goals and action items for 3 years
05. Review Plan
ESM reviews clients' plans with them and develop it together
06. Execute
Clients work toward meeting the objectives and metrics set forth in plan to meet points for certification
07. Review Performance
Make proportional progress toward the goal. Annual re-certification for high performance recognition
08. Get Certification
Progress certified based on the points and authorized to use MLT Black Equity at Work mark
Service Blue Print
Service blueprint
Information Architecture
Information architecture
Screen Design
Dashboard screen
When users sign up/sign in to the platform for the first time, they will be directed to the welcoming onboarding page. This will help users to get familiar with the certification program and get prepared.

Dashboard will be their home page where they can access to different pages, contact with ESM, and track their progress.
Baseline Input Form
Baseline input form screen
Clients will add their data into the platform through baseline input form. This assessment will take place every year for each client.
Score Card
Score card screen
Clients will receive score card soon after they submit the baseline input form. ESM will review it together and provide deeper insights on their quick wins, top opportunities, and investment areas which need more time.
Plan screen
Clients will create their own plans by setting their yearly goals and setting up action items. Action items include KPIs, monitoring frequency, root causes, and sponsors.
The goal is to understand root causes of the challenges you're facing and build tangible plans.
Prototype Demo
Onboarding flowBaseline input flowPlan flow
Badge Design
Platinum, gold, silver and bronze badges
Badge design misuse examples
Plan approval badge design guide
Badge placement guide
Public recognition is one of the key motivations for the companies & organizations to participate to the program. MLT Black Equity at Work provides 4 tier-certificate badges and participation badges they can use in their social media and any other marketing materials.
MLT Black Equity at Work
DMI Design Value Awards Winner
The need is clear. The time is now.

MLT Black Equity at Work, the world’s first Certification program of its kind is providing a clear standard and an action-oriented roadmap to achieving Black Equity.

Within 12 months MLT Black Equity at Work has secured more than 70 of the most important organizations in the world as customers, including Amazon, BCG, PNC, DaVita, NBA and others.
Hero image with screen mock ups
MLT (Management Leadership for Tomorrow)
Senior Experience Designer
Overall UX/UI design, prototype, user research/testing
The pandemic and racial reckoning in the US have emphasized the critical importance of racial equity in America, especially regarding the negative impact experienced by Black Americans. These inequities widespread various aspect of our society, including major employers.

The MLT Black Equity at Work Certification sets a measurable standard for workplace Black equity, allowing employers to demonstrate commitment through strategic and sustained action for tangible progress.
As a senior experience designer on this project, I contributed to the overall UX/UI design from the MVP Blueprint phase to the Beta phase, working on wireframing, prototyping, and conducting usability testing with target users.
MLT Black Equity at Work won 1st place in DMI: Design Value Award in 2021.
1.5M+ employees within partner companies will be impacted in the US
70+ companies participating partners (as of 2024 Jan)
Over 40 major employers, representing nearly every major sector, have committed to pursuing the MLT Black Equity at Work Certification since the program launched in January 2021. Our committed employers represent a range of industries and some of America's top corporations, including Fortune 500 companies and leading philanthropies.
BCG logo
BlackRock logo
Citi logo
Amazon logo
and more...
"Joining the MLT Black Equity at Work Initiative is a meaningful way to solidify our commitment to ensuring an equitable & inclusive work environment for our employees, talent & partners, now & in the future"
- SVP Enterprise Inclusion, Warner Media
Link to website
Project Structure
Project Timeline
project roadmap: focus on alpha and beta
Team Structure for incubation
team structure
I played a key role as a senior designer from the beginning of the project during the Alpha build phase through to its Beta launch.
There are numerous articles and statistics that provide evidence of racial inequity in the workplace.
Black men earn less on the dollar than male workers of other races
Black employees are nearly twice as likely as other minorities to perceive their race will make it harder for them to achieve their goals.
Even within the industries with many Black workers, Black workers make less than $30,000 more often than their peers do
There are four Black CEOs in Fortune 500 companies.
Source: PayScale, McKinsey & Company
5 %
5 percent of senior executives at self-reporting Fortune 500 companies are Black, Laitnx, or Native
33 %
of the U.S. population is Black, Latinx, or Native
20 %
In 2020, the typical full-time Black worker earned about 20 percent less than a typical full-time white worker
58 %
of Black people indicated they perceived racism in their jobs.
User Research
During the project's duration, our team scheduled biweekly meetings with HR managers from world's leading corporations. Our main goals for these sessions were: to gain insights into the problem at hand and to assess the usability of our prototype.

Each meeting began with a comprehensive 20 minute exploration of desirability, followed by a focused 40-minute examination of the detailed user experience.
Screenshot of research board
Screenshot of research board
Screenshot of research board
"We have lots of energy now on DEI initiatives, but how do I make sure that it's sustained?"
- Anonymous HR Manager
User Persona and Pain Points
Our target users seemed very excited for engaging in this endeavor with good intentions. However, they also expressed a desire for some form of public recognition. Moreover, evaluating racial equity within an organization is not a one person job; it requires collaboration with multiple users and access to additional resources.
Our target persona is seeking:
• Public Recognition
• Multi User Functionality
• Access to Resources & Benchmarks
Screen mockup
The MLT Black Equity at Work Certification offers a structured roadmap, empowering employers to pursue Black equity. Key features include:
• Industry benchmark for assessing Black equity
• Current status evaluation
• Action oriented goals and strategies
• Dedicated Employer Success Manager
• Annual review report
• Digital certification
How Does It Work In Digital Platform
Process diagram
01. Initiate
Clients initiates the program. They will be assigned to an Employer Success Manager (ESM)
02. Input Data
Clients input their data into a baseline input form to assess their current situation
03. Assess
ESM reviews the data. Clients will receive score breakdowns and insights on their current state
Clients review scoring rubric and  draft their plans including goals and action items for 3 years
04. Plan
05. Review Plan
06. Execute
ESM reviews clients' plans with them and develop it together
Clients work toward meeting the objectives and metrics set forth in plan to meet points for certification
07. Review Performance
Progress certified based on the points and authorized to use MLT Black Equity at Work mark
Make proportional progress toward the goal. Annual re-certification for high performance recognition
08. Get Certification
Service Blue Print
Service blueprint
Information Architecture
Information architecture
Screen Design
Dashboard screen
When users sign up/sign in to the platform for the first time, they will be directed to the welcoming onboarding page. This will help users to get familiar with the certification program and get prepared.

Dashboard will be their home page where they can access to different pages, contact with ESM, and track their progress.
Baseline Input Form
Baseline input form screen
Clients will add their data into the platform through baseline input form. This assessment will take place every year for each client.
Score Card
Score card screen
Clients will receive score card soon after they submit the baseline input form. ESM will review it together and provide deeper insights on their quick wins, top opportunities, and investment areas which need more time.
Plan screen
Clients will create their own plans by setting their yearly goals and setting up action items. Action items include KPIs, monitoring frequency, root causes, and sponsors.
The goal is to understand root causes of the challenges you're facing and build tangible plans.
Prototype Demo
Onboarding flowBaseline input flowPlan flow
Badge Design
Platinum, gold, silver and bronze badges
Badge design misuse examples
Plan approval badge design guide
Badge placement guide
Public recognition is one of the key motivations for the companies & organizations to participate to the program. MLT Black Equity at Work provides 4 tier-certificate badges and participation badges they can use in their social media and any other marketing materials.