Sound Viz AR
See the Sound: Where Your Audio Comes to Life
AR Design, Mobile Development, User Testing
Our world is immersed in a symphony of diverse sounds. Have you ever wonder what it would be like to actually see the sounds around us?

Sound Viz AR was born from this very question. Leveraging Unity, I embarked on an experiment to capture not only music but also the ambient sounds around us and transform them into visual representations.
I created a cluster of 3D elements comprised of basic geometric shapes such as cubes, spheres, cylinders, and toruses. These elements dynamically respond to various components of sound, including amplitude, frequency, and duration. The platform will translate these inputs into visually engaging movements of 3D shapes, including changes in scale, color, rotation, and position.

This produces captivating visual effects that synchronize with the sounds. Through Sound Viz AR, users can experience real-time sound visualization seamlessly integrated with their surroundings, whether they're at a concert or riding the subway.